Easy Lacto-Fermented Pickles: Beets and Turnips

Are lacto-fermented pickles a part of your diet? They’re not? They should be*! And today is the day I convert you with this super easy, super approachable recipe.

There is a tiny Lebanese take-out in our neighborhood where Maxence and I like to get sandwiches on lazy weekend days. (For those of you who own a copy of The French Market Cookbook — you rock, btw! — it is the very place that’s featured in the pistachio, cardamom, and coffee dessert jars.)

I usually opt for the falafel sandwich (see my baked falafel recipe) or the chicken shawarma sandwich, and part of what makes both stellar is the liberal inclusion of crunchy turnip pickles, softly pink and delectably sour.

Some pickles are made by steeping the vegetables in vinegar, such as for this quick carrot and ginger pickle, but these particular pickles are lacto-fermented, and I started making them myself a few years ago.

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My 6 Favorite Croissants in Paris

I am very, very passionate about croissants; I think it’s about as close to perfection as a single baked good can get.

I love the contrast of textures between the crunchy tips, the thinly crisp outer shell, and the moist, tender insides. I love how the combined flavors of butter and flour are fundamentally enhanced by a properly conducted fermentation. I love a warm croissant fresh out of the oven, but I love one that’s been sitting for an hour or two even more. And in truth, I like a day-old, chewy croissant as well. (Unless I decide to turn it into an almond croissant.)

I find that the croissant is an excellent product to judge a baker by, as there is truly nowhere to hide: a croissant reveals the quality of your ingredients and your skill level in the most transparent manner. It is such a simple preparation in theory, yet one that is radically shaped by the hand that makes it.

I recently contributed an article about the best croissants in Paris to the spring 2016 issue of Bake from Scratch, an American magazine devoted to (you guessed it) baking. This particular issue is all about France, and my piece involved research and interviews, a lot of cycling around the city, and a lot of tasting.

I boiled it all down to (my personal selection of) the best croissants in Paris, which I’m delighted to share with you today. As you’ll see in the pictures below, each of these croissants has a distinctive personality, but all can be trusted to deliver the most delicious whoosh of flaky butteriness in an irresistibly golden, brittle package.

If you’re ever in Paris, here’s where I recommend you get your croissant fix:

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Pressure Cooker Beef Bourguignon

Spring has sprung in Paris, and we have had a few of those sky-so-blue, light-of-gold, fill-my-heart-to-bursting days, the kind that makes every Parisian mellow out and smile the way not other time of year does.

There is still a definite chill in the air, though, which is part of the charm of this particular turn of season, and we are not quite out of stew territory yet. It is an in-between I love and embrace, and the perfect time to make the quickest, easiest Beef Bourguignon you can imagine.

In my first cookbook I have a recipe for traditional Boeuf Bourguignon that is really really good (do you know my first book is full of staples from my repertoire?). But when I’m pressed for time, I streamline the process quite a bit to have it be ready in just two hours, most of which is just the pressure cooker working its magic while you paint your toenails (I wish) or herd the small people in your life (more like).

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Cooking with Young Children: 5 Lessons I’ve Learned

Oh, hi! A quick heads-up: today, we’re going to be talking about kids in the kitchen! If this is of zero interest to you, I totally get it, and invite you to take a look at this springtime pot-au-feu, this fresh ginger cake, and these really fun food expressions in various languages. How does that sound? Okay then.

On to today’s topic! My eldest son is about to turn four, and for a little while now I’ve been wanting to post a few thoughts on what it’s like to share kitchen space with him. In short? It’s not easy. The good news? It can be done, but it’s good to keep a few guiding principles in mind. Here’s what I’ve learnt.

Photo credit: No Milk Today.

Photo credit: No Milk Today.

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Gluten-Free Almond Breadcrumbs

I love to keep seasoned breadcrumbs on hand: they add a finely crunchy touch to salads and other vegetable preparations (incl. zucchini noodles), and they top pasta dishes and gratins beautifully. They are also a required ingredient if you want to make breaded chicken cutlets or eggplant slices.

But what if you’re trying to go easy on the gluten and the carbs? Do you have to envision a breadcrumb-free life? Not so with these gluten-free almond breadcrumbs!

They came into my own life by way of my friend Claire, who runs the cold-pressed juice company Nubio here in Paris. They make their own almond milk, so they process quite a lot of almonds, and they’ve been looking for creative ways to use the remaining solids so they don’t go straight to the compost.

This is made up of finely chopped almonds, slightly moist from the soaking and pressing process. It doesn’t quite have the flavor and nutrition of raw almonds — a good portion has gone into the almond milk — but it’s still a valuable byproduct.

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