Best Eats in Grenoble, From a Local

Best Eats in Grenoble

France is such a beautifully diverse country, I want to make sure you see and taste the best it has to offer! When it comes to Paris I’ve got you covered (ask me about my tours!) but there are many other places with exciting and delicious things for you to experience. So I’ve asked a team of French bloggers from different cities to share their favorite spots, and I am offering them to you in this series.

In Grenoble, Valérie recommends…

Valérie I Love Cakes

Valérie Décoret is a pastry chef who’s passionate about travel and photography. She takes us on a tour to discover Grenoble, her hometown and the capital of the Alps. She writes the blog I Love Cakes, in which she shares her love for authentic things and delicious desserts.

The perfect day in her book is a beautiful autumn day in the countryside, with a walk in the forest and an elaborate meal prepared with her family. Follow her on Instagram, too!

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Best of October


Amsterdam As A Family

French children had a school break in October, and we decided to spend a week in Amsterdam.

It’s a city Maxence and I are quite familiar with, having spent a number of long weekends there over the years, pre-kids. We were delighted to find it is a very family-friendly city, and we had a wonderful time strolling along the canals, exploring local playgrounds, dodging the bicycles, and spotting as many Fiat 500’s as we could.

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24 Hours in Paris: The Ultimate Guide

The Seine

Anne ElderThis is a guest post by Anne Elder, my friend and former assistant, who has lived in Paris long enough to know the city like the back of her hand.

Anne is the writer behind Hardly Snarky, where she shares her stories of delicious adventures. She learned how to cook in the tiniest kitchens of France and how to taste cheese in the Jura mountains.

She now lives in New York, where she works as a freelance writer and social media consultant. She still has a tiny kitchen. Follow her on Instagram!

As Paris becomes easier to reach via layover en route to so many European cities, I’ve had several friends come to me overwhelmed by the many ways to spend their precious few hours in the City of Light.

This 24-hour guide, adapted from the many personalized schedules I’ve crafted for friends, combines must-see tourist sites with the charming streets Paris is known for, as well as some stellar views of the city.

Bring your prettiest walking shoes, and make sure to stop at the closest boulangerie for a nice fresh croissant before you begin, like a true Parisian.

Allez, c’est parti!

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What To Bring To The Office

Early last summer, after twelve years as a freelancer, I got myself a desk in a shared office in Paris!

I had been thinking about it for a while: working from home wasn’t quite working for me anymore, the space I often borrowed at Maxence’s offices was getting filled, and I was drinking entirely too much coffee at my local (beloved) coffee shop.

As soon as I decided that’s what I wanted, it was all very flow-y. I did a search on this specialized website, looking for coworking space in my own neighborhood. I knew I had found The One as soon as I saw the photos. I arranged to meet the woman who owns the office that very day, we clicked, the desk was perfect for me…

…I “moved in” a couple of days later.

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14 Years of C&Z: 14 Lessons for Blogging and Life

Hey, you know what I did fourteen years ago, like, to the day? I went ahead and created a blog! About food! And I called it, wait for it, Chocolate & Zucchini. Because it had a nice ring to it, and I liked chocolate, and I liked zucchini (and fortunately still do).

It has been an utterly amazing fourteen-year ride, and most of my life’s blessings have come directly or indirectly from that single decision.

Where and who would I be if I hadn’t created C&Z? It’s anyone’s guess and it makes me a little dizzy just thinking about it, but I can’t imagine possibly finding a more fulfilling, happier life path. (It’s a good feeling.)

To celebrate, I’ve put together this little bonus for you:

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